I asked Twitter and Reddit what people would like to see from D&D over the next couple of years. After 400-plus comments, there are definite trends emerging: some expected, some rather surprising.
What Next for 5th Edition?

I asked Twitter and Reddit what people would like to see from D&D over the next couple of years. After 400-plus comments, there are definite trends emerging: some expected, some rather surprising.
Wizards of the Coast At some point in your D&D game, the party is going to come up against a villain of serious stature: a major enemy who has played a key role in the story so far and needs to be taken down. In this article, we’re going to look at how to create … Continue reading How to Run a ‘Big Bad’
How and why would you run an evil D&D game – and should you?
5th edition gets an awful lot right. But it is not perfect. Here are five areas of the game that are apt for tweaking.
D&D has always worked on the assumption that adventurers work together as a group. Which group, then, works best? With at least twelve character classes to choose from, and a gamut of subclasses, it’s not a straightforward question.