Write Adventures Like Cookbooks: 15 Tips For Better Information Architecture

I’ve recently started DMing The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. I’m about four sessions in, and so far, it’s been fun. But it hasn’t been without its frustrations. And actually, the more I think about it, the more I feel my frustrations with the adventure are not just limited to Witchlight specifically. There are general issues … Continue reading Write Adventures Like Cookbooks: 15 Tips For Better Information Architecture

Plan better campaigns: the adventure site model

A few weeks ago, I tried Dragonbane for the first time. It’s a great game—full review here—but it’s the map that got me thinking about today’s article. Take a look at it. Gorgeous, isn’t it? Francesca Baerald’s work is outstanding, and without knowing anything about the system, it lures me in and makes me want to … Continue reading Plan better campaigns: the adventure site model

Unlocking the magic of literary fantasy

Over the last few years, I’ve realized that what I really crave in my fantasy isn’t necessarily a recognized subgenre. I call it literary fantasy.

From the experts: the greatest RPG adventures of all time

What is your favourite published adventure of all time? I put this question to as many industry heavyweights as I could: writers, game designers, YouTubers, even a few cartographers. I wanted to see what their favourite adventures were and why. These are the responses I got back, which I'm delighted to share with you. Featured: … Continue reading From the experts: the greatest RPG adventures of all time

The One Ring, 2nd edition: a charming and visually stunning love letter to Middle Earth

A few weeks ago, the fine folks at Free League very kindly sent me a review copy of The One Ring: the core rulebook, the DM screen, and the starter set. Regular readers will know that I rarely review things I haven’t paid for, so I have tried not to let this influence me too … Continue reading The One Ring, 2nd edition: a charming and visually stunning love letter to Middle Earth

Duergar, erinyes, sahuagin, and yuan-ti: how to say it

I love etymology and lexicography. I even specialized in it at uni. So this post is a bit of nerd-out for me: an unofficial pronunciation guide for D&D.   A few disclaimers: There is no standard way to transcribe pronunciation. Well, actually, there is – the International Phonetic Alphabet – but it’s probably not fair … Continue reading Duergar, erinyes, sahuagin, and yuan-ti: how to say it