Nine things to look for in a perfect D&D game

Unusually for me, I've spent most of the last six months not DMing but playing. And it's been fun! It's also been a useful reminder of what players love most about RPGs at the table.

How to roleplay every NPC (almost!)

I recently came across the idea of a psychological gesture from Justin Alexander of the Alexandrian. This is a technique created by Michael Chekhov where actors use a physical action to capture and express their character's main emotional or psychological state. I've been trying it out a bit, and it's fun and really helps me get in character quickly. 

Unlocking the magic of literary fantasy

Over the last few years, I’ve realized that what I really crave in my fantasy isn’t necessarily a recognized subgenre. I call it literary fantasy.

Deeper character creation: dramatic poles revisited

One of the most powerful storytelling tools I’ve encountered this year is also one of the simplest: dramatic poles.

How to stop D&D feeling like a video game

For many people, playing an RPG is about immersion, imagination, unpredictability, and collaboration – and if your game feels like a video game, maybe something is wrong.

A new narrative template for cinematic one-shots

How can we apply the concept of ‘story beats’ to build a memorable single-session adventure?

How to add depth and drama to your character

Many, many gamers play D&D and nothing else. Some gamers will play anything but D&D. Others will play D&D for the most part but mix it up occasionally with other systems. I’m probably in this latter group. Even if you don’t play other systems, it’s well worth reading them. It’s a great way of sparking … Continue reading How to add depth and drama to your character

Learning from the MCU to make your game epic

I’m probably the wrong person to write this because – whisper it – I don’t really like Marvel films. But you don’t have to love Marvel to appreciate how wildly popular they are. Since 2007, Marvel Studios have produced more than 30 films, and the MCU is now the highest-grossing film franchise of all time … Continue reading Learning from the MCU to make your game epic

How To Make A Compelling Backstory

Do you need a character backstory? Here are the questions that are worth answering.