Nine things to look for in a perfect D&D game

Unusually for me, I've spent most of the last six months not DMing but playing. And it's been fun! It's also been a useful reminder of what players love most about RPGs at the table.

10 Ways Chat GPT Can Help You DM Great Games

I have wanted to write a post like this for some time now but have been wary about doing so. AI is everywhere at the moment, and not all of it is good. In fact, a lot of it isn’t good. MidJourney is essentially just repurposed theft, yet sites like Drive Thru RPG are already … Continue reading 10 Ways Chat GPT Can Help You DM Great Games

Ten reasons you should try Forbidden Lands

Forbidden Lands is a survival fantasy game from Swedish publishers Free League. I’m a big fan! You can read my full review here, but in the absence of something new today, I thought I would give you ten reasons to play this game. 1. Quick character creation In Forbidden Lands, you choose your kin, profession, … Continue reading Ten reasons you should try Forbidden Lands