Almost great: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (a review)

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight was released three and a half years ago in September 2021 and was something of novelty for Wizards of the Coast, especially coming on the back of Rime of the Frostmaiden and Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, two quite dark and horror-themed sourcebooks. Witchlight promised to be the exact opposite, … Continue reading Almost great: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (a review)

Tired D&D clichés: which ones need to go?

We had a fun session last weekend (a brief sojourn to Tomb of Annihilation via a fairy ring), and one of my players made a comment that stuck with me: ‘Sometimes, you just want a dungeon and a dragon.’ It made me think about tropes: the conventions of a genre that you see over and … Continue reading Tired D&D clichés: which ones need to go?

Encounter balance in 2024: better or worse?

Is encounter-building that a big deal? In short, yes. So how has it changed in 2024?

Write Adventures Like Cookbooks: 15 Tips For Better Information Architecture

I’ve recently started DMing The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. I’m about four sessions in, and so far, it’s been fun. But it hasn’t been without its frustrations. And actually, the more I think about it, the more I feel my frustrations with the adventure are not just limited to Witchlight specifically. There are general issues … Continue reading Write Adventures Like Cookbooks: 15 Tips For Better Information Architecture

Plan better campaigns: the adventure site model

A few weeks ago, I tried Dragonbane for the first time. It’s a great game—full review here—but it’s the map that got me thinking about today’s article. Take a look at it. Gorgeous, isn’t it? Francesca Baerald’s work is outstanding, and without knowing anything about the system, it lures me in and makes me want to … Continue reading Plan better campaigns: the adventure site model

Dragonbane review: the most exciting game I’ve played in years

If you’re tired of 5e and really want something fun and fresh, then I cannot recommend this game enough.

I need a new RPG, and it isn’t D&D 2024: a wishlist

Here’s a confession I never thought I’d make: I’m not excited about D&D 2024. In fact, I have serious misgivings about it. And I thought I’d write an article about it.

Update: The Campaign Handbook

I have now completed the second part of Tier 2, 8th to 10th level. I hope you like it! Constructive feedback is always welcome. You can download it over on my Patreon (link). I see Tier 2 as the 'fun and games' section of your campaign—'the promise of the premise' where all the 'trailer moments' … Continue reading Update: The Campaign Handbook