Write Adventures Like Cookbooks: 15 Tips For Better Information Architecture

I’ve recently started DMing The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. I’m about four sessions in, and so far, it’s been fun. But it hasn’t been without its frustrations. And actually, the more I think about it, the more I feel my frustrations with the adventure are not just limited to Witchlight specifically. There are general issues … Continue reading Write Adventures Like Cookbooks: 15 Tips For Better Information Architecture

Dragonbane review: the most exciting game I’ve played in years

If you’re tired of 5e and really want something fun and fresh, then I cannot recommend this game enough.

I need a new RPG, and it isn’t D&D 2024: a wishlist

Here’s a confession I never thought I’d make: I’m not excited about D&D 2024. In fact, I have serious misgivings about it. And I thought I’d write an article about it.

The Complete Guide to Charms and Enchantments: Part Two

This is the second part of a series on charms and enchantments in 5e. I focus on five spells: suggestion (and its high-level counterpart, mass suggestion), compulsion, geas, and dominate person.

So You Want to Be a Game Master: Review

If you're serious about DMing, you will know who Justin Alexander is. So what is his new book all about, and what did I make of it?

Review: Dungeon of the Mad Mage (and a new ranking)

I overlooked this adventure for far too long. Now I rate it as one of my favourite 5e adventures so far.

How to reimagine evil species in D&D

There is a long tradition of certain D&D creatures being 'always evil'. But what if they are just misunderstood?