The Complete Guide to Charms and Enchantments: Part Two

This is the second part of a series on charms and enchantments in 5e. I focus on five spells: suggestion (and its high-level counterpart, mass suggestion), compulsion, geas, and dominate person.

How to reimagine evil species in D&D

There is a long tradition of certain D&D creatures being 'always evil'. But what if they are just misunderstood?

Make Your Goblins Unique: Thinking in Depth about Monsters and Factions

I have recently enjoyed watching Baron de Ropp’s YouTube videos about fantasy geopolitics, and it got me thinking about how we can do so much more with the monsters and factions in our games. I wouldn’t necessarily say that this post is ‘geopolitics’ per se, but that's certainly part of it. I think this approach … Continue reading Make Your Goblins Unique: Thinking in Depth about Monsters and Factions

The Best (and Worst) Products of 5e So Far

5e was launched in 2014. Since then, in addition to the three core rulebooks, we’ve had 17 hardback adventures, seven campaign settings, and at least seven other supplements – and as with any product line, quality varies. So which books are ‘must buys’ and which should you avoid? As with my holiday gift guide, it’s … Continue reading The Best (and Worst) Products of 5e So Far

How deadly is the Monster Manual?

How much of the Monster Manual can – and should – a DM make use of?

Last chance to see: extinct (?) D&D monsters

5th edition has been out for nearly seven years now, which is nearly as long as the edition I ‘grew up’ with, 3rd. Going back through the 3rd edition Monster Manual, it’s interesting to see how many creatures have made it into 5th edition – and which ones haven’t. This article is a review of … Continue reading Last chance to see: extinct (?) D&D monsters