The ultimate lazy tool for making your character unique

What if there was a way of making your character unique without any new rules? A way of making them more distinctive, more memorable?

What if there was a way of creating new spells monsters without complicated new stat blocks?

What if you could make the game your own with a quick and simple hack?

It already exists! And it’s one of my favourite tools as a player and DM.


Reskinning is when you change the appearance, flavour, or description of something—a class, an item, a spell, a monster—without any change in mechanics. Often, it’s essentially not very different from renaming.

I’ve always enjoyed doing this. Amber Fireforge isn’t a ‘ranger,’ she’s a hunter, and she wears a leather jerkin, not ‘studded leather.’ She’s a hill dwarf, yes, but she’s also one of the great Neidar clans, and she’s armed with a composite bow and a hunting knife. It might not be much of a change, but it suddenly makes my character feel more personal, more my own.

Reskinning can also be a way of avoiding problematic names or names that remind you you’re playing a game. I remember a game of D&D as a teenager where one of my friends introduced his character as ‘[Name], fighter-wizard,’ and even at the age of 14, we cringed. Spellblade or mage-knight would have been so much cooler.

For this article, I have gone through as many different game elements as I could think of and come up with some alternative names for each them. In some cases, I wonder if the new names are actually better. As always, let me know what you think in the comments below.

The full text of this article is on my Patreon; this is just a sample. To people reading there, thank you very much for your support!

Character races

  • Dwarf. Mountainfolk, Stonekin, Rockborn
  • Elf. Feyborn, Sylvan, Starlight Kin, Moonkin
  • Halfling. Shirefolk, Littlefolk, Small Folk, Hearthlings

Character classes

Tip: subclasses often work well! Thus, you’re not a rogue, you’re an assassin; you’re not a ranger, you’re a beastmaster.

  • Barbarian. Berserker, Wildling, Raider, Warrior, Battlerager
  • Bard. Minstrel, Skald, Troubadour
  • Cleric. Priest, Templar, Oracle
  • Fighter. Warrior, Swordsman, Knight, Blademaster, Soldier, Champion
  • Rogue. Thief, Assassin, Cutpurse, Infiltrator, Sneak
  • Wizard. Mage, Arcanist, Sage, Scholar

Alignment is excellent for this!

  • Lawful Good. Righteous, Principled, Justicar, Crusader, Saint, Honourbound
  • Neutral Good. Benefactor, Altruist, Gallant
  • Chaotic Good. Rebel, Freedom Fighter, Liberator, Free Spirit, Maverick


Controversial opinion: I kind of hate D&D armour. I much prefer the options in Level Up 5e and The Armourer’s Handbook.

  • Padded Armour. Quilted Vest, Gambeson
  • Leather Armour. Leather Jerkin
  • Studded Leather Armour. Reinforced Leather, Leather Brigandine
  • Hide Armour. Furs, Thick Hide
  • Chain Shirt. Mail Shirt, Linked Vest, Hauberk, Chain Tunic
  • Scale Mail. Scaled Armour, Lamellar
  • Breastplate. Cuirass (note: pronounced ‘kwi-RASS’. See my pronunciation guide for more!)


  • Club. Cudgel, Bludgeon, Shillelagh
  • Dagger. Stiletto, Dirk, Shank
  • Greatclub. War Club
  • Handaxe. Tomahawk, Hatchet, Cleaver
  • Javelin. Throwing Spear, Pilum, Harpoon
  • Quarterstaff. Bo Staff, Walking Stick
  • Battleaxe. War Axe
  • Glaive. Fauchard
  • Greatsword. Claymore, Zweihander, Bastard Sword


  • Acrobatics. Tumbling, Gymnastics
  • Animal Handling. Beast Whispering, Animal Training
  • Arcana. Arcane Lore, Spellcraft
  • Athletics. Prowess, Endurance
  • Deception. Lying, Bluffing, Trickery
  • History. Lore, Antiquity
  • Insight. Intuition


There are 370-odd spells in the Player’s Handbook alone. I’m not doing all of them.


  • Fire Bolt. Flame Dart
  • Eldritch Blast. Arcane Ray, Dark Bolt, Shadow Blast
  • Mage Hand. Spectral Hand, Arcane Hand
  • Prestidigitation. Minor Magic, Simple Spell, Wizard’s Trick
  • Guidance. Divine Aid
  • Ray of Frost. Frost Beam, Ice Ray
  • Sacred Flame. Holy Fire, Divine Light, Radiant Flame


  • Cure Wounds. Healing Touch, Mending Hands
  • Magic Missile. Arcane Arrow, Energy Dart
  • Shield. Arcane Barrier, Protective Ward
  • Thunderwave. Sonic Boom, Thunder Clap, Shockwave
  • Burning Hands. Flame Burst, Fire Wave
  • Bless. Holy Boon


  • Blinded. Sightless
  • Charmed. Enchanted, Bewitched
  • Exhausted. Fatigued, Weary, Drained
  • Grappled. Held
  • Incapacitated. Powerless, Helpless

Planes of Existence

There are a lot of planes. Just a sample:

  • Material Plane. Prime Material, Mortal Realm
  • Ethereal Plane. Ghost Realm, Spirit World
  • Astral Plane. The Void, Astral Sea, The Expanse
  • Feywild. Faerie Realm


There are more than 400 monsters in the Monster Manual alone. This is just a sample.

  • Banshee. Wailing Spirit, Phantom
  • Beholder. Eye Tyrant, Sphere of Many Eyes, Floating Horror
  • Displacer Beast. Phantom Panther, Phase Cat
  • Doppelganger. Shapeshifter, Face Stealer
  • Dragon. Wyrm, Drake, Dracus
  • Elemental. Primordial
  • Empyrean. Godchild, Titan
  • Golem. Construct, Guardian, Automaton

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