The Campaign Handbook

Over on Patreon, I’m making good progress with The Campaign Handbook! I’ve just released a new packet covering 5th to 7th level for forests and two new regions, arctic and desert. Each region includes session starters, NPCs, cool locations for your adventures, and encounter-building advice. There’s also advice for distributing treasure and magic items.

If you’ve not been following me for long, The Campaign Handbook is intended to be a product that help you structure an epic campaign from 1st to 20th level with very little prep:

The next regions I will be working on are:

  • Dungeons and underground
  • Marsh
  • Mountain
  • Rolling hills
  • Sea
  • Town and city

I’m also going to have some tips on character arcs and how to pace Tier 2 (probably one of the most enjoyable stages of any campaign!)

And then for the end of Tier 2: BOSS FIGHTS. Can’t wait!

Follow me on Patreon for more:

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