Update: The Campaign Handbook

I have now completed the second part of Tier 2, 8th to 10th level. I hope you like it! Constructive feedback is always welcome. You can download it over on my Patreon (link).

I see Tier 2 as the ‘fun and games’ section of your campaign—’the promise of the premise’ where all the ‘trailer moments’ happen—but I think Tier 3 is going to feel darker, with higher stakes and a kind of ‘ticking clock’ in the background. (Have you ever noticed that the hero always reaches their lowest point about three-quarters of the way through a film? That’s what’s going to happen in The Campaign Handbook at the end of Tier 3!) This packet also includes advice for the campaign midpoint at the end of 10th level: a ‘false victory’ or ‘false defeat’, a key turnin point in the story.

I chose not to bother with a ‘dungeon’ region in Tier 2 as it felt too similar to the Underdark setting. Was this the right decision? I’m going to retire the ‘rolling hills’ region in Tier 3, and I’m also going to introduce a couple more regions, both planar: a dark shadow realm (like the Shadowfell) and something hellish (like Baator or the Abyss). The other regions (arctic, desert, forest etc) will also start to become even more magical and otherworldly.

What else would you like to see in a product like this? Let me know in the comments! And if you’re already following me on Patreon, thank you for supporting Scroll for Initiative 🙂

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