If you’re a DM, real-life workload can be a significant barrier to your game prep. How do you get ready for a session when you’re completely snowed under?
What Next for 5th Edition?
I asked Twitter and Reddit what people would like to see from D&D over the next couple of years. After 400-plus comments, there are definite trends emerging: some expected, some rather surprising.
How to Run a ‘Big Bad’
Wizards of the Coast At some point in your D&D game, the party is going to come up against a villain of serious stature: a major enemy who has played a key role in the story so far and needs to be taken down. In this article, we’re going to look at how to create … Continue reading How to Run a ‘Big Bad’
Evil D&D
How and why would you run an evil D&D game – and should you?
Modding D&D
5th edition gets an awful lot right. But it is not perfect. Here are five areas of the game that are apt for tweaking.
The Perfect D&D Party
D&D has always worked on the assumption that adventurers work together as a group. Which group, then, works best? With at least twelve character classes to choose from, and a gamut of subclasses, it’s not a straightforward question.
Creating Awesome Characters
Wizards of the Coast How do you go about creating a character in D&D? Most of us follow the step-by-step approach in Chapter 1 of the Player’s Handbook. We roll stats, we choose a class, a race, and a background, and we pick out equipment and spells. We might shake up the order a bit, … Continue reading Creating Awesome Characters
Plotting a campaign
Wizards of the Coast When planning a game of Dungeons & Dragons, a DM has to consider the short term, the mid term, and the long term. In our context, ‘short term’ means encounters: short scenes based around combat, exploration, or social interaction. ‘Mid term’ would be an adventure: a series of encounters linked together. … Continue reading Plotting a campaign
Pros and cons of online play
Online play is not without its challenges. That said, it can also bring with it certain advantages, and, done properly, it can be almost as fun as live play.
Diablo D&D
Blizzard Entertainment Last Monday marked the 20th anniversary of Diablo II. What a game! Back when it was released in 2000, it was the fastest selling computer game ever. It is still highly regarded and has appeared on numerous ‘best of’ lists, including Time’s ‘50 Best Video Games of All Time’ list in 2016. Diablo … Continue reading Diablo D&D