The Best (and Worst) Products of 5e So Far

5e was launched in 2014. Since then, in addition to the three core rulebooks, we’ve had 17 hardback adventures, seven campaign settings, and at least seven other supplements – and as with any product line, quality varies. So which books are ‘must buys’ and which should you avoid? As with my holiday gift guide, it’s … Continue reading The Best (and Worst) Products of 5e So Far

Seasons, one-shots, and epic levels: campaign length for beginners

How long should a campaign be? Tl;dr answer: as long as you want, of course. But it’s an interesting question. Ultimately, it comes down to five things: How often do you play?How long are your sessions?Do you use XP or milestones?What level do you start at?What level do you want to reach? Think of these … Continue reading Seasons, one-shots, and epic levels: campaign length for beginners

Tools for better improv

When I started DMing D&D games 20 years ago, my approach was often very inflexible. Now, in general, I wouldn’t say I am much of a control freak in other aspects of my life. But when it came to writing adventures, I wanted a bit of security. My dungeons were linear. My notes were thorough. … Continue reading Tools for better improv

The best 5e adventures: ranked!

We are now seven years into 5th edition, and, on average, Wizards of the Coast have put out two hardback adventures a year. It’s great to have these on your bookshelf, and there’s a lot to be gained from pilfering them for maps and story ideas. For this post, I’ve gone back through my ten … Continue reading The best 5e adventures: ranked!

EXCLUSIVE: New products for 2021

Happy April Fool’s! D&D fans are always on the lookout for ways to spend their hard-earned cash. Now, in a world exclusive, Scroll for Initiative can reveal that the following D&D products are confirmed for autumn 2021. Merch, merch, merch! Spelljammer: Adventures in Wild Space The final frontier. May the Force be with you.– Elminster … Continue reading EXCLUSIVE: New products for 2021

1st-level adventures

Most D&D campaigns begin at 1st level. Because of this, it can be hard to create an adventure that feels fresh and original. It is also the deadliest level of D&D, and a relatively ordinary enemy can kill an adventurer in a single blow. In this article, I look at how to plan a 1st-level adventure that is fun, exciting, original, and not too challenging.

Die, Bard: A D&D Christmas Adventure Seed

A setting-neutral holiday one-shot for four 4th-level characters. Yippee-ki-yay, motherflumphers. It is the night of the midwinter feast, and the party has been invited to the tower of archwizard Takagi for his annual celebrations. At dusk, a long, black stagecoach pulls up outside, drawn by four black horses. A stout halfling with dark, curly hair … Continue reading Die, Bard: A D&D Christmas Adventure Seed