Ten reasons you should try Forbidden Lands

Forbidden Lands is a survival fantasy game from Swedish publishers Free League. I’m a big fan! You can read my full review here, but in the absence of something new today, I thought I would give you ten reasons to play this game. 1. Quick character creation In Forbidden Lands, you choose your kin, profession, … Continue reading Ten reasons you should try Forbidden Lands

Foundry VTT: an exciting alternative to Roll20 (review)

Click here for an older post about online play. For many of us, the pandemic changed the way we play D&D. Our games moved online, and our dice became virtual. For me, though, online D&D was the norm. I got back into D&D after a hiatus of nearly a decade in spring 2016. My friends … Continue reading Foundry VTT: an exciting alternative to Roll20 (review)

Everyday Heroes: a new d20 Modern game for 5e

If you’re anything like me, the post title alone should be enough to get you excited! I was a huge fan of d20 Modern back in the day, so I was delighted to hear that it was returning for a 5th edition revamp. Dave and Jeff at Evil Genius Games reached out to me a … Continue reading Everyday Heroes: a new d20 Modern game for 5e

How to get started with Dungeons & Dragons

So, you’ve heard about this amazing game called Dungeons & Dragons. Perhaps you found out about it from watching Critical Role or Stranger Things. Maybe you were given the D&D Starter Set or Essentials Kit. Maybe you played years ago and want to get back into it. This article is a guide to getting started with D&D.

Your first 100 miniatures: how to build up a collection (Part 2)

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how to start off your mini collection. To recap, so far we have: Five player charactersTen (or more) goblinsTen (or more) undeadA dragonAn imp or a balorFour giant spidersFive wolvesA trollA bearAn ogreA vampireTen orcs or lizardfolk (The numbers are not meant to be exact, by the way. … Continue reading Your first 100 miniatures: how to build up a collection (Part 2)

Your first 100 miniatures: how to build up a collection (Part 1)

Part 2 link: here Two weeks ago, u/LibraryLass posted the Average Fantasy Bestiary on the r/rpg subreddit. It’s a fantastic resource: a survey of 50 well known fantasy RPGs, with popular fantasy monsters listed based on ubiquity. Do have a look. This got me thinking: could we use the Average Fantasy Bestiary to generate a … Continue reading Your first 100 miniatures: how to build up a collection (Part 1)

D&D inspiration

Being a DM is hard. Players interact with the game world, and you create that world. Without you, there is no game. That’s a lot of pressure! Prepping for a session can take a lot of out of you creatively, especially if you are already tired from work and life stuff. Sometimes you need a … Continue reading D&D inspiration

EXCLUSIVE: New products for 2021

Happy April Fool’s! D&D fans are always on the lookout for ways to spend their hard-earned cash. Now, in a world exclusive, Scroll for Initiative can reveal that the following D&D products are confirmed for autumn 2021. Merch, merch, merch! Spelljammer: Adventures in Wild Space The final frontier. May the Force be with you.– Elminster … Continue reading EXCLUSIVE: New products for 2021